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Timeline for Proof of Concept MVP


When educating a diverse population of students, the ability to break down complex concepts becomes quite important. After working closely with The Knowledge House’s students and his son Elijah , Heriberto Roman, an Instructor at The Knowledge House, realized a consistent problem that existed with his adult students, elementry student [Elijah], and once himself as a code newbie: the problem of being inundated with new difficult, technical concepts and not being able to process and retain them .

Heriberto set out to come up with a solution that can support code newbies across the nation .

cThink (computational thinking) is a progressive web app that focuses on the abstraction piece of the computational thinking model. This platform allows students to utilize the Draw ✏️, Act 🎭, Build 🔧 {D.A.B.} pedagogy and helps them retain complex coding concepts by associating them with personalized analogies, building them out, and saving their process.

Say a student is introduced to a programming method, through the cThink platform, they are prompted to draw their interpretation of that method, to act out or communicate an instance of that reference, and then to build the code they were introduced to. Because this process incorporates the three main styles of learning: Visual, Auditory, and Kinesthetic, cThink allows the learning to code process to be a creative and more personal experience, while which optimizing the retention of information into long term memory

The brain stores long-term memories in the hippocampus, which needs context to store information. The context, in this case, is not lines of code. It is the mnemonic and rehearsal that will cause the memory to move from working memory into long-term memory. A change that starts in the brain’s hippocampus.